Sunday, May 31, 2009


Finally after all of my waiting my snuggie has arrived! Guess what? My snuggie came with a free book light YES! My own free book light just what I always wanted! Now I can read in the dark! Wooh! Any way! The snuggie is great. Soft blue fleece. Hahaha I look like a monk. What stinks is that i t is now getting closer to being summer. Its getting hotter and blankets and not as useful as they were in the months before. Im going to have to put my brand new snuggie away for the summer. Don't fret the snuggie will return to takes its place of honer! Hahaha snuggies, the blankets with sleeves. What a fail.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Micropets! They are awesome!

Do remember those toys called micropets? They were like two inch tall animal looking things that beep and make noise and have lights flashing when they hear sound. Probably the dumbest toy ever invented. Anyway... I find it really fun to hide two of then when they are on. Then to snap my fingers and make them go off! Haha I call them my minions! My friend gave me two of them yesterday and they are my loyal minions! I tell people to follow through with my demands or face my minions. I have a tiger and a dog. The dog one Is messed up though so instead of barking it makes a weird roaring noise that kind of sounds like it is meowing! So anyways go buy some of these awful toys I bet they sell them on ebay. Then hide them and snap your fingers and set them off. You too can have minions! LIZARDS AND POPSICLES!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What is it number 6

Well unfortunately nobody got it this week. This is the first week that nobody guessed it right. No it's not a keyhole and no it is not a coin slot. It my friends is an electrical outlet. FAIL! Now be smart and use all of your brain power to guess what this weeks item is! Good luck to all! Try our famous pizza cheese! No! I am random! Lizards and popsicles! Happy LORI BETH DENBERG APPRECIATION WEEK!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

fun word of the week number 5!

this weeks fun word of the week is gecko! gah it is just one of my favorite words! i also really want a gecko they are so cool yo! have you ever seen that geico commercial with the gecko doing the robot! it is great the geico gecko is my hero!! like i don't care about car insurance right now haha, but those commercials are just so great! ok now say gecko with a british accent, because the accent is what takes a fun word to say and makes it 1048095095353 times better! GECKO GECKO GECKO! another reason why gecko is such a great word is because a gecko as you may already know is.... A LIZARD!!!!! I LOVE LIZARDS!!! LIZARDO!! HAHAHA. lizards make up half of this years oh yeah! tag team! POPSICLES AND LIZARDS! HAHA THAT FROZEN GOODNESS! if you don't get it click the play button on the side where it says press the play button. also just as a reminder that if you want to have your amazing crayon art posted on the monday blog post send and email with your picture attached to it to GECKO GECKO GECKO!

gecko |ˈgekō|noun ( pl. -os or -oes)a nocturnal and often highly vocal lizard that has adhesive pads on the feet to assist in climbing on smooth surfaces. It is widespread in warm regions. • Gekkonidae and related families: numerous genera and species.ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from Malay dialect geko, gekok, imitative of its cry.
haha it is named after the noise it makes!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pata Pata

HAPPY LORI BETH DENBERG WEEK! Have you ever heard of Pata Pata? Its popular song in south africa, and it is sung in the south african click language. It was created and made by popular by a women name miram makeba. There is a popular dance too. It is danced in a line. Its actually quite a silly looking dance. If you would like to see it search pata pata on youtube I am sure you will find it. It would be funny if you learned the dance and then taught your friends and told them to teach there friends. Take the pata pata and make it international. Hahaha

Sunday, May 24, 2009


First off congrats to SYDNIE for winning this weeks crayon creations! She drew a picture of her lovely cat pearl. You too can get you crayon art posted on the monday blog post if you email a picture of it to if you are chosen you will see your art featured! Be sure to check back the monday after you entered. And I now declare this week lori beth denberg week! A week celebrating LORI BETH DENBERG! You may know her from the old NICK show ALL THAT! She was a goofy little girl with a great sense of humor. You may also know her from the movie dodge ball! Remember that scene where its a flashback of cheerleading tryouts? She was the CHUNKY CHEERLEADER. I love her. She is an inspiration to all! Some day I wish I could meet her! You can celebrate this LBD week by watching all that, and clips of all that on youtube. You can also watch dodgeball. Also spread the word of this splendid week to your friends! Lets make this a week nobody will ever forget. ROCK ON!


hahaha i recently found this website that creates cartoon people that you can make say what you want! it is hilarious!!! i radomized the face to make it look like an old lady and it says in an indian accent "oh hot damn i want a popsicle i want it i want it i want it now. that frozen goodness. oh hot damn give me a popsicle" i was on the floor cracking up!! this is honestly so funny! the combination of the face and the voice and what it is saying is hilarious! if you want to see it for yourself check out my side menu. look for the box with the heading "click the play button" and get ready to laugh your pants off! also what do you think about our dear president? Mr. Barack Obama? i think he is the man! rock on Mr. President! 

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bubble wrap. FUN!

Bubble wrap is so beast yo! I just love to lay it on the ground and jump on it! POP! Haha yay! Sometimes I order small pacages just for the packaging! The peanuts! The bubble wrap! And those air filled bad things that go boom! You can do a lot with that stuff. I made fun stuff to wear like a bubble sash! Yay! But what's really fun is to put in under your shirt and tell someone to punch you! KAPOP! Hahaha its great! Pop it to the toon of your favorite song! Go crazy with that stuff! Now I really want some! NOW!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pet rock bar mitzvah!

Yo so me and my friends is going to a pet rock's bar mitzvhah! Mazal tov! be jealous now! The rock is now becoming a man! I am so proud of him! Then after the service eer are having a rockin party! Hahaha! With strobe lights yo! And fun and loud techno music! Hooray! And again MAZAL TOV PET ROCK!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What is it number 5!

Yay! Congrats to sydnie! She guessed it correctly!the object was of course a glue stick! Good job I love adhd fans and keep your answers coming. Don't forget to check back every thursday to check out the what is it post. Here is this weeks post! Be first to guess it right and write you answer on a comment to this post. Yay and good luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fun word of the week NUMBER 4

this weeks word of the week is DUCKLING. haha oh those little ducks!!  hahaha quack quack quack! the best is when you see those things in a line following there mother duckling. i have always wanted a duck, but more specifically a duckling!! those baby ducks!! they are so silly and fluffy and QUACKFULL! i hate to say it but ducklings are probably one of the best ADHD toy! because they probably wont stop moving either!! now try this..... first say the word in two. Duh Cling! FUN STUFF! now say it with stress on the D! weeeeee! now what you must do is run around in a circle saying im a duckling i am a duckling then quack!! haha and if you could film that and put it on youtube. then share the video with the iloveadhd community by putting a link to your video on the i love adhd facebook page and by putting a link to it on a comment for this post. and remember DUCKLING DUCKLING DUCKLING DUCKLING!

duckling |ˈdəkli ng |nouna young duck.• the flesh of a young duck as food.
WAIT WHAT?????? ^^^^ read the definition again?                                    

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where in the world is snuggie snugiago?

Goodness! I have been wanting a snuggie for months now! You know those blankets with the sleeves. They are most likely the funniest things ever created. If you have no clue what I am talking about go on youtube right now and search snuggie. Its hilarious. Honesly, would wear that thing out of the house? Why would you wear it to your kids sporting event? Do they keep you warm. I don't think so. This thing only covers half your body! But no matter how stupid and useless this product is.... I WANT ONE! Help me! JK

Monday, May 18, 2009

darn that elevator music!

first of all congrats to this weeks crayon artist winner! if you would like to win send an email with a picture of your crayon drawing to 

Have you ever walked into an elevator alone and didn't know what to do with yourself on the way up? do you know what makes the situation worse? ELEVATOR MUSIC! it is so boring! 

with its slow tempo and lack of lyrics elevator music is not fun enough for this elevator rider. why can't elevators have some sort of techno electronic music and a nice strobe light set up? people want to have fun in elevators, because they are not just for boring old business men. i dont know about you but i would very much enjoy dance parties while waiting for my floor!

Just imagine get into an elevator, then as soon as the doors shut the lights in the elevator go off, and then all of sudden a disco ball drops and strobe lights appear!! your day is now much better!

and i am sure escalators feel very left out. 
why don't escalators get there own music. 
from now on all escalators should have some sort of classic rock! 
think about how much better life will be!  

Sunday, May 17, 2009


sorry to all my viewers that i was unable to make posts while i was away for the weekend. in case you were wondering i did have a lot of fun! i woke up early in the mornings and fell asleep really late! i took my meds everyday early so thry would wear off earlier and i could  get hyper!! so i bought a few sodas and i was insanium in the cranium!!! i ran around. i made my high squeak noise. i jumped up and down. i spoke what ever came to mind!! and you know what?? I LOVE ADHD AND I AM NOT AFRAID TO ADMIT IT. i used to be ashamed of my adhd and my meds were this big secret, but now if you call me that kid with ADHD it will not bother me in the slightest. you know what i will tell you? ill say to you " your jealous! and I know! you should really read my blog!"

Friday, May 15, 2009

Those horn things!

Ever been to a birthdat party with the cake, party hats, pinata, and party bags? Haha and those horn things. Those paper things that make that funny sounds! They are so annoying! I love them! Those paper things hit people in the face! Hahaha they are double awesome! Now I really want to have a kid birthday party with those horns and all! Your invited! NOT!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


What is it #4

This is the 4th one now. Congrats again rebecca for getting the what is post right. last weeks post was an m&m! Here is this weeks what it is post! If you think you know what it is then comment on this post saying what it is! Good luck and don't forget to submit your crayon art to for a chance to have it displayed on mondays post

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


this weeks fun word to say is KANKLE! hahaha what a great word? do you have them? i don't!! haha they are so silly!!! kankle! it reminds me of kangaroo, but mixed with skunk! haha. this word never lets me down. i stumbled upon this fun word to say today during my lunch. when i was sliding down the railing and of course being really hyper!!! i all of a sudden blurted out the word KANKLE while pretending to be a sloth! hahaha. oh you must say this while being upside down! it adds to it in such a great way. KANKLE! ha that will never get old in my book.
cankle |ˈka ng kəl|noun informalan unusually thick or stout ankle.ORIGIN blend of calf and ankle.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Things people with ADHD don't care about

First off people with adhd don't like politics. BORING! But we do of course like Barack Obama. He is the man! We realy could care less about day time television. We prefer to watch late night comedies such as SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE! And the tonight show with jay leno! Thurdays on NBC are ADHD heaven! Shows like the office and 30 rock! Wooh!! We also don't care about eating healthy! Its vastly over rated If you ask me. We can eat what we want because we burn off the fat while beinging hyper which is the majority of the time for us ADHDers. One big thing we don't care about is using exclamations in proper context! We pop that punctuation on any damn sentence we please! !B!E!C!O!M!E!!A!!F!O!L!L!O!W!E!R!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Crayon Creations!

Hey! Are you an unrecognized artist? Do you have a real talent with crayons? Well your in luck! This is your place to be at! Once a week you can submit your crayon art to this blog for a chance to be featured in the monday spotlight. You can enter by emailing a picture of your drawing to don't worry your email and information is all safe we will not share it with anyone. Be sure to write in the subject box your name and the name of your piece but to be sure that the art is intended for the blog make sure to write I love adhd in crayon on the bottom of your drawing. Good luck, and may the best artist win. If you win you will see your art on next weeks monday blog post.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy mothers day!

Today is the day to honer your mom with gifts and love because she is the one who brought your adhd self into this world. My gift to my mommy was to take my meds this morning. She said if anything that was what she wanted from me for mothers day so that's what I gave her. Now im all chill and watching spongebob squarepants, and those krabby patties sure do look good! I have always wanted to try a krabby patty, but its sad that they are not real. My dream is to swim in a pool of jello and pez! Yay and again happy mothers day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Have you ever read books? Haha random!

The name of this post actually has nothing to do with what its written about. Haha well the school year is coming to an end! Yay! And I am getting more hyper then ever! Summer is coming and its gonna be fun! Summer means vacations to some people. To others it mean the beach. To me its mean hyper activity to the highest level! Yes I will still take my meds but nothing is going to hold me back! Haha look out world here I come!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ah the sweet taste of blue.

Blue has a taste you know. Im not saying go find a blue marker and taste it, but things that are edible and blue have a taste! Take for instance blue powerade. Would it taste as good as it is if it was not blue. NO! But unfortunately I have no more ideas to finish this post with. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is it #3

Try and guess what this weeks what is it? Is! Congrats to the winner of last weeks what is it blog! Yay for REBECCA! She guessed it right. It was the middle of an ipod nano! Its mine! Try and guess what this weeks what is it? If you guess it right first you get recognized in next weeks what is it blog post. Good luck!

A lizard!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


this weeks fun word to say is PERIWINKLE! again the word is more fun to say with a British accent, so do try it! haha the reason PERIWINKLE is the fun word to say of the week is because obviously it is fun to say but take a second to split the single word into two. you have peri and you have winkle. the two words are already fun to say on their own but together they make this weeks fun word to say, PERIWINKLE!
 periwinkle 1 |ˈperiˌwi ng kəl|
nounan Old World plant with flat, five-petaled flowers and glossy leaves. Some kinds are grown as ornamentals, and some contain alkaloids used in medicine• Genera Vinca and Catharanthusfamily Apocynaceae.ORIGIN late Old English peruince, from late Latin pervinca, reinforced in Middle English by Anglo-Norman Frenchpervenke. The change of -v- to -w- and the addition of -le seem to have occurred before the appearance of periwinkle .periwinkle 2 |ˈpɛrəˈwɪŋkəl| |ˈpɛriˈwɪŋkəl| |ˈpɛrɪwɪŋk(ə)l|nounanother term for winkle .ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: of unknown origin.hahaha winkle!!!! if you actually took the time to say PERIWINKLE in a British accent congratulations you are awesome!

It's raining outside!

It is raining outside! Its been raining all day. This is sad right? WRONG! Not with someone with spontanious mind like me! I just ran in the rain, and got soaked! It was so awesome! I jumped in a puddle and now it looks like I wet my pants! Hooray for not wetting my pants! Its gonna rain tomorrow again! I can't wait to get back out there. Ill keep you updated on my twitter. So BECOME A FOLLOWER! Or you will have to eat nothing but sour grapes for breakfast lunch and dinner for the rest of your miserable life! Ahahaha!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Popsicles and lizards

I use the words popsicles and lizards in many sentences during my every day life! Lizards like popsicles! I like popsicles. I also like lizards! Wow fun words! Lizards and popsicles! What about a popsicle shaped like a lizard? YEAH! Or maybe a lizard shaped like a popsicle! Wooh. I love the words popsicle and lizard!!! Don't ever forget it you popsicle eating lizard face!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I like lemons

If you have not noticed yet. I am very silly! One way I let the sillies out is by making youtube videos and silly songs! Some of these songs are about lemons. I have one that's not about lemons,but I am working on some more! Feel free to check out my youtube channel @ The songs are very silly

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

My new friend

I made a new friend today he is great and made of plastic! His name is popsicle face III and he is sooooooooooooo cool! Do you want to be his friend too? Comment telling popsicle face III you said hi and leave him a little message. He would really appreciate it! Now if you will exuse me I have to go spend a night on the town with my new friend popsicle face III!!!

National ADHD awareness day?

Have you heard of national ADHD awareness day? Believe it or not its a real thing! Hahaha! It should be celebrated on an international scale,because adhd is the greatest thing that's ever happend to me. You would think it would pose some problems to me.... nope! Not as long as I get my medication every day! Celebrate national ADHD awareness day september 14th ! YAY for ADHD